Thursday, January 1, 2088

Welcome friend!

I'm so glad you decided to stop by and visit our page. Pull up a chair and sit a spell with us. Good friends are always a blessing.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Photo Tag

Here are the rules:

1. choose the 4th picture folder on your computer
2. choose the 4th picture
3. explain the picture
4. tag at least 4 people to do the same

This picture was taken on Easter 2006, outside the church after morning services. I love how young the kids are and it's precious how Savannah has her arm around Wyatt. Everyone looks so good and happy. This was a great day.

I tag: Stacy, Dawn, Crystal and Dee

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Spokane Trip - Thanksgiving 2008

Savannah and I got back from our trip to Spokane in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday. We left Spokane at 8:30am (Pacific Standard Time) and arrived in Raleigh at around 9:00pm (Eastern Time). That was a full day of flying! But we weren't done yet - then we had to get our luggage, wait for a shuttle back to our hotel and then drive home from Raleigh! Needless to say, we were exhausted when we finally got home and fell into John's arms. Jacob had fallen asleep waiting for us, but we were able to rouse him and got some hugs and kisses from him too.

The trip was a blast! I haven't laughed so much or been hugged so many times in a long time. After 8 years, everyone was a little older, a little grayer, a little...ummm...more robust! The kids aren't such kids anymore. Many of them are parents themselves now and I was able to see my great nieces and nephews too. We ate all kinds of unhealthy (but yummy) food, went to the mall several times and we even got to celebrate Lori's wedding with her.

I just want to thank each and every one of my family members for your love and hospitality. We felt like celebrities the whole time we were there. It was amazing. I love you all and promise not to wait another 8 years to do it again. God bless you all.

Savannah's Spa Party

We had a great time at Savannah's 10th Birthday Spa Party. The girls endulged in bubbly spa baths, facials, massages, mani/pedi's and all sorts of giggling and mischief all night long - and I do mean ALL night!

Thank you so much to our spa professionals - Danielle, Ms Donna and Stacy - I couldn't have done it without your help.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Savannah's Spa Party Invitation

Well, we've decided to do a spa party this year for Savannah's birthday. We had these invitations made and printed today - aren't they the cutest?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Long Sweet Summer...

So long sweet summer
I stumbled upon you
and gratefully basked in your rays.
So long sweet summer
I fell into you
Now you're gracefully falling away...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I've Got a Secret!

Well, it's really *not* a secret if I'm posting it here for the whole world to see, is it?!?

I just wanted to let my viewers up in the Spokane, Washington area know that they should expect a visitor (possibly more than one) the week of Thanksgiving this year. Plans are in the works as I write this...

So, if any of you wants to see ME - you guessed it! I'm the surprise visitor! LOL! - make sure you're in town that week.

I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mahalo nui loa na ho'olaule'a me la kaua (Thank you for Celebrating with Us)

Thanks to all who came to our back to school luau this weekend. We had a great time. There were plenty of smiles and hugs all around...

Our guests were greeted by a welcoming committee of Hula girls with leis and nametags for all. Everyone had a tag with their true Hawaiian name printed on it. Some were a real mouthful.

For entertainment we had a coconut pinata, filled with candy and school supplies, limbo dancing, Hawaiian music and even a birthday cake! (It was Mike's birthday)

All in all it was a really fun time. The kids had a blast and we all thank you for coming. Aloha!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who Taught Time to Fly?

Wow. In the blink of an eye 20 years is gone and it's time for my 20th high school reunion. Tomorrow begins the weekend of festivities back home in Spokane and on Lake Couer d' Alene. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend, but I'll be there in spirit.

So, for those of you who may have just turned 30 (not mentioning any names here) and are feeling a little aged, I hope this helps a bit. You can still say, "At least I'm not as old as HER!" LOL!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Making Memories in Williamsburg

My babies are back from their Busch Gardens/Water Country vacation with Nana and Big Sissy...and they had a BLAST! Unfortunately, they forgot to take pictures of all the fun. I downloaded the photos off Savannah's camera this morning and there were only 14 pictures total, 3 of which were pictures of (I think) the carpet and the others were kinda blurry. Hmmm....

Anyway, I was able to salvage these two and hopefully Big Sissy and Nana will have more on their cameras.

Savannah was proud to say that she rode the Roman Rapids and that she "almost" rode the Escape from Pompeii. She also went on some of the taller slides at Water Country. She is not a ride person and it took a lot of courage for her to do it. So, yeah Sissy!

Now Jake, on the other hand, boasted that he rode almost every ride and many of them more than once. He has no fear when it comes to roller coasters and crazy freefalls. Heck, he rode the Drop Tower at Kings Dominion (272-foot descent at 72 miles-per-hour) when he was only 10! I think his favorite this time was Apollo's Chariot.

They both enjoyed spending time with two very special people in their lives and I know this will be a memory they will cherish in years to come.